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PI Apparel West Coast 2024

Pimberly is thrilled to announce our participation and sponsorship of PI Apparel West Coast 2024 – the intersection where the rhythm of fashion converges with the stride of technology. As pioneers in SaaS Product Information Management (PIM), we are poised to revolutionize how retail companies manage their product data.

We invite you to visit us at Booth #5 and engage with our experts. Let’s discuss how our comprehensive PIM platform can streamline and elevate your product data management, empowering your business to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of eCommerce.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Where: Los Angeles, CA

When: May 21-22, 2024

Meet the Pimberly Team at the PI Apparel West Coast 2024

photo of Martin Balaam, CEO and Founder of Pimberly

Martin Balaam

CEO & Founder


Connect on LinkedIn

photo of Barak BenYehuda, Account Executive at Pimberly

Barak BenYehuda

Account Executive


Connect on LinkedIn

Events We’re Looking Forward To

Day 1

  • 9:00 AM

    Opening Remarks

  • 9:10 AM

    Keynote Address

  • 9:50 AM

    Room 2: Maximizing the Power of Technology and Consumer Behavior Changes: Unlocking True Customer-Centricity and Omnichannel Success, Deckers Brands

  • 11:40 AM

    Room 1: Harmonizing the Digital Wardrobe: Standards for Seamless Apparel Experiences, Arcteryx

  • 12:20 PM

    Room 1: Startup Tech Sparks: Future Fashion Tech, Mannequin Technologies

  • 4:10 PM

    Achieving More with Less with Optimization and Technology, UnderArmour

  • 5:20 PM

    Chairperson’s Closing Remarks – Tiffany Radon, Manager of Technical Design, Carhartt

  • 5:30 PM

    Drinks Reception

    *Exclusively sponsored by Pimberly

Day 2

  • 10:05 AM

    Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

  • 10:15 AM


  • 2:20 PM

    Revolutionizing Business Strategies: Harnessing Digital Product Creation for Disruptive Innovation in Planning, Sales, and E-Commerce, Varsity Spirit

  • 3:40 PM

    Closing Keynote: Embracing Industry 4.0 – Amplifying the Human Role in Product Development Amidst Automatization and AI, Puma

  • 4:20 PM

    Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

Get Personalized Product Management Insights

Book a Demo with our team ahead of the PI Apparel West Coast 2024

Discover tailored PIM solutions at PI Apparel West Coast 2024! Our team is ready to discuss your needs and provide expert guidance on your PIM needs.

If you’d like personalized product information management insights for your business, schedule a meeting with our team ahead of time. Secure your spot now and begin your Pimberly journey today.