How to Succeed with Online Window Shopping

Ideally, you want your online store to be an exact representation of your brick-and-mortar locations. This is the best way to ensure your customers enjoy the same experience online right down to how you showcase your products. While this sounds like a tall order, it helps customers find their footing quickly so they don’t feel disenchanted with their shopping experience. Your biggest challenge lies in online window shopping, with shoppers using multiple tabs for quick comparisons between different stores. How do you ensure yours stands out? Here, we cover how to use superior product information to beat the competition at the very beginning of the buyer journey.

1. What do we mean by ‘online window shopping’?

When out and about, customers get a good feel for what your shop offers with a quick glance at your window displays. However, when window shopping online, you have very little time to make an impression and show them exactly what you are selling. Online shoppers have the unique opportunity to shop at several stores simultaneously, with multiple tabs open to make quick comparisons. As a result, you want them to realize your shop is all they need quickly. This poses a challenge with a limited “window” for your displays.

2. Beating the competition at first glance

When a customer lands on your home page, this is the first glance they have of your offering. Your job is to make your products shine amongst those other tabs. What are you displaying when they land on your site? Are you overwhelming them with too many products? Is your push for increased basket size too aggressive? Are you making it easy to click on product pages by showing them where to go?

The only way to make a good first impression is to leverage high-quality product information. Your product data should make it easier to present choices and remain flexible to meet each customer’s expectations more effectively.

3. A product page that shines through multiple tabs

Today’s online window shoppers make it crucial to find an advantage over the competition. The best way to do this is to make it easy for customers to purchase in as little as three clicks:

  1. Product categories: Customers have something particular in mind, and product categories provide the first click to get there.
  2. Product information: Perfect product descriptions with bold images and clear, searchable content titles enable customers to zero in on the products they want, read up on all the details and make a confident decision.
  3. Add to cart: The third click enables them to add the item to their cart and proceed to pay.

If you can create a clear path to the finish line, you can outshine the competition and become a customer’s first choice when shopping for similar items.

4. Using a PIM to create the perfect online storefront

So how do you optimize your product data to create the perfect product detail page? It all begins with a PIM. Product information management software enables you to provide detailed content and enticing images that reduce clicks. You provide all the information a customer needs to make an informed decision AND overcome common objections. A PIM manages all of your assets in one place, enabling you to provide ample images, including video and 3D views, to see a product from all angles. This is how you replicate that store experience, with everything laid out in a familiar way. The ideal product page includes the following:

  • Clear pricing, including special offer limitations and end dates
  • In-depth product descriptions with downloadable specs, instructions, interactive sizing charts, etc.
  • High-quality product imagery with different viewing options, zoom capability, color options, etc.
  • Videos that enable customers to see the product in action
  • Delivery and returns policies to build trust
  • Delivery date estimator based on a customer’s location
  • Stock levels to create a sense of urgency or confidence their purchase will arrive
  • Sustainability credentials to promote your company’s commitment to the environment
  • Different product options such as size, color, fit, etc.
  • Kits and bundles you have available to provide more value
  • Related products they might need with their purchase, such as batteries, specialty mounts, hookups, etc.
  • Customer reviews and product ratings to help build trust

It takes the perfect landing page to beat the competition at first glance. At the end of the day, online window shopping comes down to one thing: the most attractive page will keep customers coming back. A PIM enables you to outshine the competition with better images, information, and customer experience.