What is a Product Brochure and How Can You Create One?

Creating an outstanding product brochure is an artistic endeavor that demands attention, piques curiosity, and motivates action—it’s more than just combining typefaces and colors. We understand that might initially seem to be a tedious undertaking – it’s not at all!

You’ve come to the right place to learn more about creating a marketing brochure. A product brochure can help you get more attention for your company, event, or cause. A brochure is a great tool for promoting and advertising. It can effectively showcase your products or services. It can also help you reach a wider audience.

So stay tuned as we walk you through some tips and templates about how to create the perfect product brochure for your company.

Pat Tully

Pat Tully

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

What is a product brochure?

Brands utilize brochures as an advertising and sales tool to get out to their intended audience. This could include details about the business, a product or service, research results, an itinerary of events, or anything else a brand would like to share with its target audience. Brochures can be created digitally or on paper. Each has benefits and drawbacks. However, don’t use stale, outdated PDFs if you want to produce effective eBrochures.

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The marketing team is typically in charge of creating product brochures. To advance individual leads along the buyer journey, brands of today need to create a lot of content. Getting your non-marketing coworkers involved in brochure production will result in more specialized and customized information delivered when you need it. Although brochures are utilized anywhere in the buyer or client journey, they typically work best for awareness, contemplation, as well as decision-making.

How to create a product brochure

Here are some of the most potential components to include when creating a product brochure:

Cover Page and Index Page

Add a catchy title, some eye-catching on-brand imagery, and maybe a sentence or two outlining the brochure’s main points on the cover page. Links to the various sections are provided by the index or contents page. An index page is another way to exhibit your thought leadership. Or, alternatively, this could be added at the back.

Product Information

Pay close attention to the layout and design and concentrate on the most crucial information. As part of the user experience through the brochure, you may always include links to additional resources.

Contact Information

The reader will probably be encouraged to contact your company, but you can also suggest that they browse landing sites, case studies, whitepapers, and other types of information. Recall that if you use the appropriate platform for creating content, you will receive insightful data about how your lead interacts with and uses the brochure, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to improve engagement and maximize conversions.

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How to make a product brochure

The following are some important points on how you can make a product brochure:

Determine Your Purpose

The creation of a brochure that will capture the interest of your target audience and convey your message depends on this initial phase. You can concentrate on the main points you wish to emphasize in your brochure by clearly defining your aim. When you have a firm grasp of your target and goal, it’s time to create an outline for your brochure. You may choose the best format, arrange your material, and make sure it appeals to your audience by using an outline.

Create a Brochure Draft

A brochure that engages your audience and inspires them to act needs compelling writing. It should include a succinct and straightforward segment outlining the advantages of your product or service along with how it can help your target client with their problems. Details about your business, such as your history, beliefs, and mission statement

Including testimonials from pleased clients or success stories is another excellent approach to highlight the benefits you provide. Don’t forget to add primary contact details for your business, such as your website, phone number, and any applicable social media accounts.

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Finalize Graphic and Visual Designs

Our attention to sights is ingrained into our brains. Because of this, brochures might benefit from the addition of pictures and graphics to make them easier to read and retain. They can also be used to break up lengthy sentences or paragraphs and help explain your point.

How to design a product brochure

Here are some crucial tips on how to design an efficient product brochure:

Strike the Balance

Overdoing it on text or visuals can turn off readers. Make sure the writing is clear and succinct, and include high-quality photographs that support your points. This harmony improves the readability of your brochure and keeps the reader interested. Additionally, make sure you have the necessary business permissions before using any stock photos.

Consistent and Clear Design

Your brochure’s layout should be understandable and loyal to your brand. Consistently use brand typefaces, colors, and logos throughout the booklet. A unified design guarantees that your message is conveyed in an aesthetically pleasing way and strengthens brand identification.

Relevant and Engaging Content

Your brochure’s content has to be interesting and pertinent to the people who will be reading it. Make use of attention-grabbing headlines and clear, informative body material. Steer clear of industry jargon until your brochure is meant for a niche readership.

Quality Printing Material

The material and printing quality of your brochure has a big impact on how effective it is. Select printing and paper options that are commensurate with your brand’s quality. Take into account elements like paper weight, quality, and sustainability.

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Clear CTA

A brochure must have a call to action that is obvious. It directs the reader to the next action, be it calling, visiting a website, or going to an event. Make sure the call to action is clear and easy to see.

Efficient Distribution Plan

How well your brochure reaches your target audience will influence how effective it is. Create a distribution plan that takes into account the venues—such as trade exhibits, neighborhood businesses, or direct mail—where your target audience is most inclined to interact with your brochure.

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What to include in a product brochure

For marketers, developing and executing a brochure’s visual style can be very difficult. It can stop you in your tracks if you lack design training or a clear idea of how to represent your business.


selecting the appropriate program for your brochure. We just touch on how selecting the appropriate software can assist you in creating and designing brochures of the highest caliber. With the help of an efficient platform, marketers can work together with other content providers, freelancers, and coworkers. It provides you with potent insights into your target market that guarantee the utmost effect of each brochure you produce.

How to make a good product brochure

Here are some important factors to consider when making a good product brochure:

Create a Compelling Message

Before you even consider designing your brochure, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to say and how to say it. Since your message is what matters most. It all boils down to getting to know your client. It doesn’t matter what kind of design you come up with if you don’t have a clear, powerful message that appeals to people in terms of language and required imagery your brochure will fail to leave an impact.

Evaluate Your Success

Establishing metrics needs to be an unavoidable requirement for each brochure you create. Without metrics, you won’t know if you should stick with the same layout for upcoming brochures; you should change the message, or try for better outcomes. Establish your goals for the brochure before you begin designing to identify your measurements.

Determine Your Budget

There’s more to your budget than just the number of brochures you can print. Create a budget for each print, then begin selecting choices based on the most crucial factors. Examine more costly ink choices and printing methods to make your images more vibrant. You may make the finest judgments for your budget and maximize every dollar by being aware of how much cash you have available for the design and printing process.

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How to write a product brochure

The below mentioned are some of the most unique ways to write a product brochure:

Choose a Topic

You don’t need to worry about the topic if the purpose of your brochure is to convey the benefits of selecting your brand; after all, the topic is you. Should your brochure belong to the latter kind, you need to select a subject that will interest your readers. Look into some intriguing study findings or industry trends to obtain ideas that will pique the interest of your audience. Find out what problems are keeping your clients up at night by asking them directly or by asking your sales team.

Select a Different Approach

Start by conducting market research to determine what kind of content your rivals are presently concentrating on, then outperform them. Although you can’t always invent the wheel, you still need to make a brochure that is unique from the competition. You can respond to the same standard queries with your special twist. With the addition of your research, which may include interactive media, and well-written, captivating language, your brochure will come to life.

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Brochure maker

Here are some basic things to keep in mind when making a product brochure:

Prioritize Your Brand Identity

Consider your brand identity first before you begin the design process. These components define the visual style and impression of your brand, and any brochure you design must adhere to the same standards as your entire brand.

Select design components (fonts, colors, and photos) that go with the mood and subject matter of your brochure as well as the personality of your brand. Make sure your brochure design incorporates your brand’s color and typography if you have already chosen them.

Keep Your Customer in Mind

Consider your reader when you’re creating your layout. In what way would the perfect client want to be informed? Do they tolerate large blocks of text, or do they require graphics to break up the material to prevent feeling overwhelmed? Would they find particular colors or fonts particularly appealing? Where can you save all of your contact details and business name so that people may easily discover it? Make sure to arrange items in a way that is visually appealing when you are designing.

Select Your Brochure Type

The content will determine which form of brochure is best for your brochure design. A traditional tri-fold brochure would be a good way to keep things simple. Choose a more spacious choice, such as an eight-panel roll folding or a 16-panel fold, if you need to convey a lot of information. To make your material easier to follow, utilize a four-panel roll fold if you’re doing a step-by-step item lesson. Choose the brochure size that most closely matches your requirements and tastes.

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Brochure template types

The following are some of the most commonly used product brochure templates, so you can choose the best template:

Bifold Brochure

A single piece of paper folded in half to create four panels that help display your content is called a bifold brochure. The front cover of this bifold brochure design is typically the reader’s initial point of contact, so it’s critical to capture their interest with an attention-grabbing image or title. Upon closer inspection, the dark, sleek hues of this brochure design serve to accentuate the products that are highlighted therein.

Trifold Brochure

A trifold brochure template is a widely used format for brochures that fold into three identically sized panels. This brochure template works well for a variety of sectors and is a flexible way to highlight goods, services, or events. These templates are a terrific choice for any business trying to produce an eye-catching and educational marketing image because they are simple to modify to match the colors and design of your brand.

Fashion Brochure

If you’re marketing for a fashion brand or fashion influencer, you can use a fashion and style brochure template to promote the newest trends, styles, and collections. The page arrangement and layout of a fashion brochure are sleek and contemporary, emphasizing the models donning the accessories or apparel in addition to the item descriptions and costs.

College Brochure

The college design brochure has an eye-catching, contemporary layout that is ideal for highlighting the programs and advantages of an institution. There is plenty of room for your texts and images. College brochure templates can assist colleges in efficiently communicating their distinctive message to parents and potential students.

Restaurant Brochure

Use an eye-catching template to highlight the fantastic eating experience your restaurant offers. If you want to showcase your restaurant’s menu, daily specials, or catering services, restaurant brochure templates are perfect for you. They include mouthwatering food photos and captivating dish descriptions.

How to create a product brochure

Creating a brochure involves a useful fusion of strategy and beauty. Thorough audience research, compelling content, and intelligent design are all necessary for producing an effective brochure. They are a way to interact and communicate with your target market, not merely a tool for gathering information.

Recall that every aspect, from the first composition to the final print, determines how successful a brochure will be. You can produce a brochure that grabs attention, effectively communicates your message, and makes an impression by following these best practices.

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Bottom line

Exceptional product brochures are a requirement for any company to strategically market its products. You can work on all the tips mentioned above to create the ideal product brochure. To better manage your online marketing, it is also advisable to use efficient management tools. You can contact us at Pimberly if you require the best management tools in town.