Top 9 WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Plugins
Creating a thriving multi-vendor marketplace on WordPress is easier with the right tools. WooCommerce plugins simplify this process by providing the features necessary for vendor...
Published: Apr 21, 2023 Updated: Apr 25, 2023
Selling technical products can be a bit of a bore when common attributes lack compelling “sexy” descriptions that keep things interesting. Although it can be a challenge translating a highly complex spec into consumer-friendly terms, there are a few ways you can ‘spice up’ your most technical attributes. Here’s how to showcase those attributes using effective product copy and digital assets.
Not only do your technical attributes not have to be boring, but they also really shouldn’t be. When you are selling products online, you’re up against some pretty stiff competition. Customers want to enjoy their shopping experience, even when faced with technical information.
When you have an arsenal of product information at your disposal, you can get creative with your product descriptions. Although you’re not writing a novel, you can still apply some creativity and flair to your product descriptions to make them both informative and engaging. There’s always room for creative thinking when looking to showcase technical product attributes, no matter how complex the product seemingly is.
The reality is, adding a little flair won’t make it easier for the average consumer to absorb key information for complex products like air conditioners. Since textual information often leaves a customer confused and overwhelmed, you should leverage digital assets to guide customers in their discovery process.
As the saying goes, “A picture is worth 1000 words.” Tech products offer the perfect opportunity to make the most of new technology leveraging digital assets like 3D vector images. 3D imagery makes it easier for a customer to experience a product’s features in a more user-friendly manner while providing an interactive experience. This makes the customer journey far more exciting than sitting and reading through spec sheets and complex feature details.
Just because your products are technical doesn’t mean you have to use techie speak to describe product features. You need to consider your audience and use language that is likely to resonate with them. Get out of the technical mindset as the seller of these items and use the mindset of the layperson to develop engaging copy that will make more sense to the common Joe or Jane.
Although digital assets alongside your tech specs help tell the story, don’t be afraid to use more casual or even humorous language that has a more emotional effect on consumers. For example, you might use wording like “Size matters” next to the measurements for a sprinkler system’s hose or refer to the timer as “the lazy homeowner’s best friend.” Think about why customers are buying the products and inject those insights into product descriptions to show them you get them.
Unconventional language helps customers qualify your products and decide if it is a suitable product for them. If you go all techie on them, they might think the sprinkler system is professional grade and too complicated to install and use. However, if you speak in their terms, they can feel more confident it is indeed a product for someone exactly like them. The less technical the text, the more compelling and customer-centered it becomes, again making customers feel this is a product they should consider. But how does your team accomplish all of this and still showcase technical attributes? A PIM.
A PIM (Product Information Management) software provides a centralized hub for all your product information from short description overviews down to the most technical specification and from basic flat product images to detailed 3D imagery. Everything you need is at your disposal. All at once your team can get creative and produce exceptional product pages that avoid common technical copy issues such as:
With a PIM like Pimberly, you have all your product information at your fingertips. You can also leverage AI-generated product descriptions and image recognition to generate product descriptions that will resonate with your audience.
You can instantly access text-based information related to product images, including key attributes, to create effective technical product descriptions. Your digital assets and output from AI create a symbiotic relationship so that your copy and images easily showcase your most technical attributes in user-friendly terms. As a result, you go from ho-hum and typical to entertaining and interesting with minimal effort.