Access Control
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This demonstration will show how to use the access control features within Pimberly to limit and control what your users can do within the system. So if we go to the settings tab and then schemas, we’re just going to end the fashion schema today.
So in the access control tab, we can see at the moment that everybody has access to the whole product and has a read write and create permission. This gives them full control over the products within the schema. So I’m just gonna change who has that access, right? So at the moment, it’s everybody. I’m gonna set that to a specific user group for a product setup. So this now means that only product setup have full control over the schema. Any other users in any other user groups will have still have read access to the products within the schema though. I’m gonna add a second access control. So I’m gonna do that before my copywriters.
My copywriters need to access the marketing description within the schema. So they need to make changes to that. So I’m gonna give them access. I’m gonna give them approved, right? Access this gives them the ability to make changes to this attribute. But any changes they do make me to go through a approval process. You can also set deny, right? And deny read or write access as well on specific attributes if you need to.
So I’m just gonna say the changes I’ve made then go back into the product screen. The user I’m logged on at the moment is a member of the product setup team. So it has full access and I can make changes to it within here if I need to. That’s made that change. And that’s been accepted, right? If I log off on this user.
And then log on as a different user. So this is a user that’s a member of the copywriters group. Now, if I go to the products tab and open up one of the products you’ll see that the attributes have a little lock icon next to them. This basically means that I don’t have right access to these. So I can’t make any changes. I can make changes to marketing description. If I wanted to and this will go through an approval process as indicated by this icon. So I click okay. On that. Some of the changes you’ve made require approval before they actually do you want to continue? So that’s basically saying that the changes I’ve made require approval routing. So just say yes on that and then closes that product down. Now, if I open this up again, you’ll notice that the change hasn’t been made yet because that change hasn’t been approved and then go back in and log on as my admin user. I should then get an approved. So I can approve that change. If you look into that approval as well. And it will highlight which change has been made there, I can then go back to my product.
And I can then see the change to the my encryption has been made.