What Is Brand Perception?

Instantaneous information sharing has democratized how people view brands. The perception of a brand is more influenced than ever by customer opinion. We must first ascertain the thoughts of others if we are to improve brand perception. What do customers think the brand stands for? How do they feel about its goods and services? And so on. So let’s get to the core of the term and see what brand perception is.

Pat Tully

Pat Tully

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

Public perception of brand

Despite being a mental association, brand perception is crucial for establishing an emotional bond with customers. When selecting between competing products, people consider their attitude toward brands.

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They sign up for a free trial, read reviews, talk with customer service, and compare options with friends. Each touchpoint influences how consumers view a brand and how successful a business is. Customers are more devoted to a brand they have a positive perception of. Think about how this dynamic manifests itself in daily life.

While the perception of a brand can be condensed down to what a single consumer thinks regarding your brand, brand value is the combination of individual views, experiences, and views that build your reputation

Brand perception

Owners of brands may think they know exactly what their brands stand for. On the other hand, rather than accurately reflecting public opinion, this image might be more representative of their goals for the company.

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Consumers, not brands, control how people perceive brands. Whatever people are saying and thinking about your brand, regardless of what you are trying to express, that is who you are. Reality is, for the most part, perception.

People’s opinions and views of your brand are shaped by their interactions, impressions, and experiences. This is known as brand perception. It’s the perception that consumers have of your company, molded by the whole range of their interactions with it—commercials, word-of-mouth, in-person interactions with customer service, and actual use of the good or service. Looking at the various elements that collectively define your brand from the viewpoints of your clients and general consumers will help you better understand it.

Brand perception survey

Finding out how your stakeholders, workers, customers, and prospects view your brand is the aim of a brand perception study. Consider brand perception surveys as a mirror reflecting your brand’s image in the eyes of your audience. They are effective tools that provide insight into the way current customers, prospective clients, and the general public perceive your brand.

The power of brand perception surveys resides in their capacity to deliver a lucid, data-driven comprehension of the advantages and disadvantages of your brand. They assist you in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your brand so you can develop methods to deal with any problems that might be harming its reputation.

A professionally conducted brand perception survey can help you better position your company in the market, enhance client loyalty, and ultimately achieve more business success by matching your brand to the expectations and perceptions of your target audience.

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What is brand perception?

Customers’ perceptions of brands are based on what they think a product or service stands for and how it contributes to how they feel. It’s not what the brand’s owner corporation claims it is. Customer use, expertise, functionality, reputation, and word-of-mouth recommendations both in-person and on social media platforms all contribute to the perception of a brand.

Customers form opinions about your brand whenever they purchase a product, read an internet review, discuss their experiences with friends, or speak with staff members. You have power over how you communicate with customers about your brand. This can be achieved by deliberately creating a brand personality that appeals to customers and embodies your vision, goal, or culture.

To establish a memorable brand image, consider integrating your company’s essence into each of your target audience’s five senses. Customers will connect with it viscerally and be left with a lasting mental image.

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Brand Perception Examples

To have a better understanding of how brand impressions are created and how they affect consumer behavior, let’s examine two of the greatest examples of brand perception.


In the sportswear and athletic industries, Nike is renowned for having a strong brand image. Performance, greatness, and empowerment are linked to the brand. The “Just Do It” tagline and the recognizable swoosh logo of Nike have helped to inspire a sense of drive and resolve. Nike products are frequently chosen by customers due to their perceived quality, fashionable design, and athletic affiliation.


Regarded by many as a creative and progressive brand in the automobile sector is Tesla. Tesla’s brand image is based on its dedication to a cleaner future, sustainability, and state-of-the-art electric vehicle technology. Customers see Tesla as a trailblazer in the fields of electric vehicles and self-driving technology, and they frequently connect the brand with modernity and environmental consciousness.

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Definition of brand perception

The collected thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and ideas that people have about a specific brand are collectively referred to as brand perception, sometimes known as brand image. A brand’s reputation, equity in the brand, brand promise, messaging, quality of goods, personality of the brand, customer experience, and values are some of the variables that shape it.

Positive or negative brand perception is important for influencing consumer choices, brand loyalty, and overall success. Brand perception and sentiment are the results of interactions and exposure between consumers and a brand.

The perception that your customers have of your brand is what matters most.

What emotions do they feel when they consider your offerings? Will they recommend your brand favorably to their friends and relatives? Do they regard you as a role model in the industry? These are a few typical queries that understanding how people perceive your brand can help with.

Developing a brand’s perception requires years of dedication. To truly comprehend your client’s problems and provide them with the greatest solution, you must put yourself in their position. Studies reveal that 59% of consumers only purchase new goods from reputable businesses on average. As a result, building a positive brand image has several advantages, including improved consumer loyalty, higher competitiveness, and more.

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How to measure brand perception

Here are some of the very basic ways to measure brand perception:

Online Reviews

Keeping an eye on online reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, or social media can help you understand how consumers regard your company. You may keep tabs on how many reviews are positive and bad, reply to comments, and take appropriate action in response to any unfavorable remarks.

Brand Surveys

One simple approach to get consumer input and learn how they see your brand is to administer surveys. You may make a survey and distribute it to your email list or followers on social media.

Website Analytics

Keeping an eye on engagement metrics, bounce rates, and website traffic can help you understand how consumers view your company online. To monitor these metrics while making data-driven decisions to enhance your website and overall brand perception, you can utilize tools such as Google Analytics.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media provides a great way to monitor what people have to say about your company. In fact, social listening platforms allow you to track sentiment, interact with customers, and keep an eye on brand mentions.

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Brand perception survey questions sample

While there are several brand perception survey questions, the most prominent ones are mentioned below:

When you initially learned about our brand, what thoughts did you have?

When you first interacted with us, what was your impression?

What impression do you have, if any, of our brand?

Would you think about using any of our products to solve a problem?

Do you know who we are or what we sell?

How did you initially come across our brand?

When you think about our brand, what comes to mind?

In your opinion, what does our brand do?

Please give our brand your most recent experience rating.

What testimonials did other people provide you regarding our brand?

Are our products convenient for you?

In the foreseeable future, how likely are you to continue using our products?

Would you be interested in utilizing any of our other offerings?

After your previous encounter with our service, would you still be inclined to purchase our products?

Were you satisfied with the level of service we provided?

How much do you trust us to handle your issues?

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Brand perception metrics

Here are the most useful and powerful brand perception metrics mentioned below:

Use Open-Ended Questions

You can’t understand users’ mental models by offering them a list of options in your company’s awareness surveys. To provide further context for the data and delve into the rationale behind respondents’ answer choices, provide open-ended questions as follow-ups to option-based questions.

Target the Correct Audience

Probably the most crucial thing to remember if you want accurate and contextual insights is to ask the correct questions of the appropriate people. You can’t pose a question that people in your audience think is irrelevant or are unable to comprehend. They will simply end up ignoring the query or providing you with inaccurate data.

Adopt Personalization

You may greatly increase the appeal of your brand awareness quizzes to your audience and leave a lasting impression by simply experimenting with word choice. Not only can personalizing your touchpoints increase brand awareness among consumers, but it also boosts survey response rates and fosters a more customer-focused brand image.

Use Brand Tracking Software

The general health of your brand is reflected in brand awareness. You will need to continuously monitor your brand to track changes over time to have a precise understanding of how well it is doing in the market. By monitoring and evaluating the development of your brand, brand tracking software can assist you in doing precisely that.

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Bottom line

Brand perception is a crucial aspect of any brand’s growth. Understanding the right techniques and measures to take can greatly help any brand attract and satisfy its desired audience. Employing efficient data management tools can further enhance the chances of effective brand perception. You can easily contact us at Pimberly for the best services in town.