The 5 Most Common Mistakes Made in a PIM Project

A compatible technology partner and the participation of all your important stakeholders are necessary for a PIM project to be successful. Regretfully, many organizations omit necessary actions or neglect to consider the important considerations that underlie the parties’ participation as mentioned earlier. Here are the 5 most common mistakes made by manufacturers, industrial distributors, and retailers during a PIM project.

Sally Hayes

Sally Hayes

VP of Delivery

PIM Issues Without the Right Implementation Strategy

Digitalization calls for automated, optimized, and novel procedures. All facets of the company are changing due to digital technology. You must rethink current systems and reassess roles in light of the increasingly demanding nature of your clientele. On your path to a successful PIM project, you can steer clear of a few common PIM bugs with the correct organization and preparation.

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But much like any SaaS adventure, putting PIM software into practice may can prove difficult, necessitating careful preparation and organization at every turn. It’s necessary to have collaboration across sales, marketing, regulation, and management departments for the implementation of PIM.

Ideas with the best of intentions might produce problems during the implementation phase. This is because there are so many different parties involved.

Here are some of the most typical PIM errors and the best ways to avoid them. This way, you may make the most of your PIM journey and conquer any obstacles that may come your way.

1.    No Clear Vision

Every technological project must have well-defined and concrete objectives and a plan outlining how to get there. Some of the causes of implementing PIM incorrectly involve hurrying the process too much. Or, there isn’t a clear goal in mind for what the PIM will achieve for the business value.

Various essential factors make up the cornerstone of a complete PIM vision. Consider strategic goals, milestones, KPIs, and methods of gauging progress from a planning perspective. It’s important to make practical considerations like setup, modularity, automation, and any required integrations from a technological standpoint ahead of time. You’ll be able to establish a more tangible vision by combining these PIM components into a single plan.

2.    Ignoring Mobile Optimization

A lot of companies don’t make their product content mobile-friendly. When it comes to a product like a portable blender, potential customers may visit a competitor’s mobile-friendly website if the product details are difficult to access on a smartphone.

Make sure that all of your product information is mobile-friendly and simple to navigate as part of your overall strategy for product information and business requirements. You can achieve effective data formatting for several platforms with a solid PIM solution, enhancing both client pleasure and the overall product experience.

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3.    Overestimating Data Quality and Data Migration

Like many SaaS platforms, data is what drives a PIM software. You will need to establish explicit guidelines for the collection, sharing, and distribution of data if you are combining data from many teams or vendors for efficient business processes. Data quality is another significant element that is sometimes disregarded. Overestimating how easy it will be to migrate data to the new system is a very common mistake made in a PIM project.

The data may have many discrepancies, outdated information, duplications, and errors if it is derived from several legacy systems. One efficient method is to carry out a thorough data audit close to the project’s start. This will ultimately make your PIM implementation easier by giving you a clear grasp of the data you will be working with for uninterrupted workflows.

4.    Ignoring Global Market Needs

Businesses occasionally neglect to appropriately localize product information when they expand internationally. For example, due to differing rules in different countries, a beauty product may need distinct ingredient descriptions or usage instructions.

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When you expand internationally, you must modify your product information to satisfy regional market needs and legal restrictions. Managing these variations and making sure that all product data is correct and appropriate for global audiences can be greatly aided by a PIM platform.

5.     Having Unrealistic Expectations

PIM solutions of today are very powerful. They can expedite the distribution of material across numerous platforms and automate operations that were previously done by hand. But in all honesty, even the most sophisticated PIM systems are not fix-alls in what they can accomplish. Realistic expectations are closely related to the concept of having a clear vision.

Your PIM may completely transform your internal processes and external outputs because it is a single source of truth, which is a crucial component of a stronger omnichannel approach.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the PIM migration plan is mostly focused on your product information (including digital assets). Fortunately, your PIM solution doesn’t have to be all-inclusive for a data migration strategy.

PIM Implementation Mistakes: Summing up

One of the most common mistakes with PIM initiatives is the inability to pinpoint precisely which objectives led to its implementation. Sometimes more legacy PIM solutions fall short of or does not match the necessary functionality. Insufficient vision for strategic expansion or operational effectiveness may lead to the deployment of a PIM that is not adequately tailored to meet the demands of stakeholders and regular users.

A poorly thought-out data transfer plan is frequently the root of problems arising from low-quality data, which can lead to a variety of issues. This may be overstating the case, but poorly planned out-migration processes lead to many PIM project failures. Product information derived from a legacy system may contain a variety of problems, such as being out-of-date, erroneous, inconsistent, duplicated, or lacking. Putting all those issues into a new system and expecting it to function flawlessly is nonsensical. Therefore, to avoid costly issues, a successful PIM implementation is crucial for data management.

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By staying away from these 5 PIM mistakes, you may greatly increase PDM activities and improve your clients’ entire product experience. You can make sure your product data is precise, consistent, and optimized for sales success throughout all platforms by utilizing PIM software successfully. You can also directly contact us at Pimberly for the best PIM software to help you avoid these common mistakes.