How to Make an Online Catalog for Clothing

Fashion catalogs have been around since the fifteenth century when royal households utilized them to choose materials for their furniture and clothing. Even now, catalogs remain a valuable tool in business. Fashion catalogs are used by consumers to research products and get ideas. Let’s discover how to create a catalog for clothing retailers.

Pat Tully

Pat Tully

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

Lookbook Template

A lookbook example is far more than just an assortment of photos in the digital age. Readers can now engage with your lookbook if previously they could simply view pictures of your products! You may now include links, movies, clickable features, and shopping carts so that customers can make purchases directly from your online lookbook.

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This is a great way to increase reader engagement with your clothing lookbook and raise the likelihood that they will become customers. The answer to how to make a catalog for clothing should be the products, thus using straightforward, basic styles is essential. Aim for an overall appearance that is unified, tidy, and airy.

Catalog Design

The objective of a catalog template is to present a designer’s or brand’s most recent collection in a way that is both attractive and marketable. Designers typically display one product on a page. There should be a single, distinct focal point, whether it be one large image or multiple smaller ones. The client will therefore understand this as they turn the page.

The layout of a lookbook is landscape. Contact information, including the firm name, phone number, email address, website, street location, and logo, is located on the upper margins. Details included in the lookbook might only be the name and cost of the product. When it makes sense for the industry, designers will occasionally offer product variants, such as available colors or sizes to help you in understanding how to make a catalog for clothes perfectly.

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Lookbook Maker

Here are some reasons why you require an online lookbook maker for making a clothing catalog:


You can utilize a variety of layouts for your online lookbook if you use a catalog maker. Whatever option you select, personalize it to fit your image and brand. To make it stand out, choose the fonts and colors you like most. In addition, you can make the digital lookbook more attractive with the help of themes and backgrounds, offered by an online lookbook maker.

Outstanding Presentation

You can use the web-based multimedia editor to add animations, GIFs, audio, video, image galleries, and more, with the help of an online lookbook maker. To keep people interested for longer, turn your clothes goods into an exhibition of fashion or give a do-it-yourself demonstration of your home products with detailed product descriptions. The only thing stopping you is your imagination.

Simpler Sales

By including hotspots and hyperlinks on your product pages or online store, you may make it easier for people to purchase your products. If purchasing a thing only requires one click rather than navigating to another website, people are more inclined to do so. You may offer interactive purchasing options for viewers with an online lookbook maker.

Increased Online Presence

An online lookbook maker lets you post your virtual lookbook online with a free web hosting service. Even a virtual bookcase to showcase several online lookbooks is available. You may download the digital lookbook to your personal computer and publish it on your server if you do have a website.

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Digital Lookbooks

Here are some crucial benefits of digital lookbooks:

Cost Effective

By having an online lookbook, you may avoid paying exorbitant distribution fees because all you’ll require is one flipbook that you can give to as many individuals as you’d like!

No Paper Wastage

You don’t squander paper when creating digital lookbooks because they are hosted online. You can create a lookbook and get the task done while benefiting the environment at the same time is always a plus!


Seamless Editing

When you make lookbooks online it lets you easily update and change any element of your document, whereas paper lookbooks cannot be corrected for typos, errors, or outdated photos. Additionally, your audience receives notice of these modifications immediately, saving you from having to send the lookbook again.

Easy Result Tracking

Analyzing viewer reactions and tracking your digital lookbook’s stats is simple. For example, look at the number of views you’re receiving and analyze the marketing campaigns you’re running to see which ones work best when you create a product for your customers.

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Lookbook Design

Here are some core elements of making the perfect product catalog lookbook design:

Choose a Template

Use one of many online available free themes for creating digital lookbooks or start from scratch to create your lookbook online. If you only want to post it online in a format that turns pages, you may also upload a lookbook in PDF format.

Use Professional Photography

Superior images indicate superior items in fashion lookbooks. Consider working with a fashion photographer and stylist to get high-quality, artistic photos.

Add Important Information

In fashion lookbooks, adding a brief description of the product is always helpful. It will increase sales and assist readers in making decisions about what to buy.

Publish Your Lookbook

Once your fashion lookbook is perfectly tailored and you are confident that the design will wow, simply click the button to post it online. You may get your lookbook downloaded and printed as well.

Spread the Word

Remember to show off your fresh lookbook design to both your current clientele and anyone else you think could be interested in your offerings. Share it on social media if your audience uses those platforms, and if you have a working email list, send out a lookbook with your next newsletter.

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Creating Online Lookbooks

You can make any lookbook into a profitable one by using a fashion catalog creation software. Include buy buttons, subtitles, product tags, and embedded links that drive visitors to your website. Take advantage of these fantastic features to increase sales! By making it simple for customers to add items to their basket straight from your lookbook, you can move them one step closer to becoming customers.

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Bottom line

Creating an online catalog for a clothing brand helps a business create an impressive online presence and clientele. You can get the help of an online lookbook maker to help you create the perfect catalog design. In addition to that, you can also utilize efficient management tools to elevate your eCommerce website’s experience. You can get in touch with us at Pimberly for the best management tools around you.