Why eCommerce Platforms Work Better with PIM

One of the most prominent challenges brands face in eCommerce is inconsistent and inaccurate product data used across their various solutions within a tech stack. For most brands, it is imperative their eCommerce platforms are consistently reliable and up-to-date.

For instance, many eCommerce platforms lack native multilingual functionality, making it difficult to showcase reliable product data across different geographies. A modern Product Information Managaement solution, or PIM, makes selling in any language a breeze with built-in multilingual syndication.

In this whitepaper, we seek to educate retailers on how a modern PIM system can help with:

  • Improved product discovery
  • SEO optimization
  • Personalized customer experiences
  • Data-driven decision-making

Additionally, we look at how businesses have leveraged Pimberly’s PIM system to improve their data management and, in turn, bolster their eCommerce platform. Here, you’ll learn how brands can automate their product data in their eComm platform using workflows to create custom campaigns for any audience, any season, and any occasion.

Sit back, grab a coffee or tea, and enjoy the read!

~25 minute read (circa 8000 words)

Access the Why eCommerce Platforms Work Better with PIM whitepaper for free now:

Improve product discovery

Easily create campaigns

Optimize search results

Personalize customer experiences

Maintain consistency

What are common eCommerce challenges a PIM can solve?

A PIM centralizes data from disparate sources, removes human error and manual oversight from the equation, and streamlines product launches for speedy time-to-market.

What eCommerce platforms do we cover?

In this whitepaper, we look at some of the top eCommerce platforms that Pimberly can integrate with. These include Shopify, Adobe Commerce Cloud, and WooCommerce – among several other key players in the field.

How does a PIM bolster an eCommerce platform?

The modern, composable PIM can automate many processes in a brand’s eCommerce platform. With the right integration setup, brands can easily increase AOV, reach new markets, and improve responsiveness to better the customer experience.

Brands driving growth with Pimberly:

FGH Logo
Regatta Great Outdoors logo
EMM Logo
MAG logo
JD Sports logo
Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports logo
Marshalls logo
Bombinate logo
CardFactory logo
Staples logo
Gill logo
Ring Automotive logo
Bonprix logo
Ralawise.com logo
Freemans logo
Foot Asylum logo
Accessorize London logo

Businesses in eCommerce often struggle with inconsistent and inaccurate product data across various platforms within their tech stack. This whitepaper aims to educate retailers on how a modern PIM system can enhance product discovery, SEO optimization, personalized customer experiences, and data-driven decision-making. See how companies have used a Product Information Management system to streamline data management and improve their eCommerce platforms by automating product data and creating targeted campaigns.

Access the whitepaper now: