Pimberly and ROI Hunter

Where Product Information and Product Performance meet…

The ad campaign landscape:

With marketing budgets increasingly being reduced, it’s more important than ever that brands focus on the products that drive profit. But how can brands understand which products create the biggest margins?

Google Shopping now accounts for 65% for all Google Ad clicks for retailers. But Google has strict data requirements. And it’s the same across Meta campaigns too. If your product data quality isn’t up to scratch, your campaign spend may be wasted on under-optimized products.

product data cycle grahic

Pimberly Product Information Management (PIM) Platform and ROI Hunter Product Performance Management Platform allows brands to focus on the most profitable profits and maximize profit margins.

See how in this quick video:

Book your joint demo to see how Pimberly and ROI Hunter can help you!

an image of a live pim demo

See our most common FAQs on our integration:

Is any of the functionality extra?

All functionality comes as standard with both platforms. Our teams work with you to configure and make the most out of Pimberly and ROI Hunter’s combined value.

Do I have to pay to get this configured?

Onboarding is included in the total platform cost and would be set up according to your needs on implementation. So no hidden costs!

Is there a ‘connector’ between platforms?

Due to Pimberly’s advanced import and export channels, no specific integration is required to integrate ROI Hunter, which takes a standard product feed for Meta and Google.

How quickly can this be set up?

If both platforms are to be implemented then it would approximately take between 8 to 12 weeks, however, this would reduce if either platform has already been implemented.

Who do I need to contact for a demo?

bruce.wright@pimberly.com or robert.thomas@roihunter.com

Or simply fill in the form below!

Who provides the support in the integration?

Both Pimberly and ROI Hunter provide support during onboarding.