ShopTalk Las Vegas 2024
One Home for Reimagining Retail
“ShopTalk unites the biggest community of retailers and brands, all here for one critical reason… to build the future of how people search, shop, and spend and to find the tech partners to help them do it.”
Mandalay Bay
3950 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89119
You’ll find us in booth #307, primed and ready to talk about all things eCommerce, omnichannel and product data. We have bags of insight into the retail world, and would be happy to explore the next solution for your business goals.
Key sessions we’re looking forward to:
Day 1: Sunday, March 17th
2:00pm – 2:40pm: Track Keynote: Brand Power and Loyalty, w/ PacSun
3:40pm – 4:20pm: Building Innovative Products and Brands for Today’s Consumer, w/ Coty, BEIS, Boll and Branch
Day 2: Monday, March 18th
9:40am – 10:00am: Mainstage Keynote, w/ Google
3:25pm – 4:05pm: Track Keynote: Pioneering Applications of Generative AI, w/ Rakuten
5:05pm – 5:45pm: Evaluating AI’s Longterm Opportunities and Challenges, w/ e.l.f. Beauty, Lyst, Macy, Inc.
Day 3: Tuesday, March 19th
9:20am – 10:00am: Track Keynote: Building Outstanding Global Marketplace Experiences, w/ eBay
4:05pm – 4:45pm: Understanding and Influencing Today’s Cross-Channel Customer Journeys, w/ Wayfair
Day 4: Wednesday, March 20th
9:55am – 10:55am: Product Discovery Offerings that Delight Shoppers, w/ Fig.1, H&M, Williams Sonoma
11:05am – 12:05pm: Leveraging Marketplaces to Reach New Customers, w/ Pattern Brands
We’ll be at booth #307

Book a Meeting or Demo with our CEO!
The Pimberly Team will be in booth #307 and stationed to answer any of your questions, book in time for a further discussion or delve deeper into your requirements.
Our CEO, Martin Balaam, will be making the trip over to Las Vegas. So, if you’d like to book your own appointment ahead of the event, use the button below and begin your Pimberly journey!